Live Learn Survive - Help Yourself - Help Others.

Live Learn Survive - Help Yourself - Help Others.

Hosted by: Trent Maxwell & Leigh Mason

Trent Maxwell, Firefighter and better known as Bondi Rescue’s Lifeguardmaxi and business partner Leigh Mason founded Live Learn Survive in 2018 with a vision to save lives by making learning fun. Author of the...

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Interview with Erin Pogmore, Station Officer and Water Rescue Instructor F+RNSW

Erin Pogmore has been a firefighter for 12 years, and has recently been promoted to the rank of Station Officer. Erin has a passion for rescue, and is currently a water rescue instructor with Fire and Rescue NSW. She...
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Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.

Lots of little things all come together in the end to become great things is the message for this week. It’s also good to talk, so after an incredibly hard 24 hour shift Maxi came along to tell us a little about his...
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Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called tomorrow.

Celebrating Leigh’s birthday this week and also celebrating a new board member for our charity, we are thrilled to welcome Jenny to our team, we are very grateful for her support to have her on board. Maxi has had a...
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It's always the simple that produces the marvellous.

Challenging weeks always make us reflect and be grateful for those around us. Another spinal injury at the beach for Maxi, a great trip to Melbourne meeting with some inspiring people for Leigh. This week we bring...
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Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.

Together in Brisbane Maxi and Leigh share all the good news of this week, give us a huge shout out to the Nurses in International Nurses week and did you know they are one of if not the most trusted profession. Good...
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One generation plants the trees, another gets the shade.

What legacy are you leaving? Do you ever wonder when you look at a beautiful tree who may have taken the time to plant it and why, some serious food for thought right there. This week we talk about a finishing...
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Everyone smiles in the same language.

The world needs a few more smiles, that is what we have decided this week, you can’t be angry and smile, it’s impossible, and smiling at a stranger might just make their day. Maxi is straight back to work with 5 car...
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Interview with Rob Mason Firefighter and Ultra Marathon runner.

Rob Mason has been a Firefighter for 24 years at Nowra station and is an Ultra Marathon runner, he ran first 100 km ultramarathon in 2009 and although he couldn’t walk for a week afterwards and swore he’d never run a...
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Rest, and your energy will be restored.

So how did they go defending their win at Terranova 24, by now we should know as we recorded this podcast ahead of the race, with rain forecast all we can do is wish Maxi and Piers the best of luck! This week we talk...
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Interview with Graham Kerr, Firefighter with Cork City Fire Brigade and Director of Cork Lifeguard Academy.

Graham Kerr is from Cork City in the south of Ireland. He is a full-time Firefighter with Cork City Fire Brigade and Director of Cork Lifeguard Academy. Graham has taught water safety and lifesaving skills as a...
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Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.

Believe in your dreams is the message of this week on the podcast as we were excited to deliver our first lesson into a school in Kathmandu, Nepal to finish a truly global week as we have also sent books to the USA...
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Interview with Heidi Horne, Happiness and Mindfulness speaker helping us to rewire our happiness.

Heidi Horne lives in Sydney and is a Happiness and Mindfulness Speaker who helps teams to rewire their happiness so that companies are more joyous, productive and profitable. Having been in the wellness space for...
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