Interview with Cooper Chapman founder of The Good Human Factory.

Cooper Chapman’s was a young pro surfer living an extraordinary life, yet in 2018 his youngest sister found herself struggling with the loss of two of her closest friends during her final year of school as did Cooper. How could kids in the very same town be so unhappy that they’d taken their own lives? A year later Cooper began to build the concept for ‘Good Human Factory’ in 2019 -  a mental health organisation that seeks to normalise mental health discussions and inspire the global community to think about mental health differently. Incorporating in-school and corporate workshops, a podcast, an accountability community and merchandise, the Good Human Factory has grown more rapidly since 2022 than Cooper could have imagined. “Since 2020, we’ve shared workshops with over 40,000 high school students across NSW, Victoria, Queensland and Tasmania - and over 15,000 of these were last year alone. Sharing his own personal story, as he shares his own mental health journey through his surfing career, challenging audiences to connect with their values - rather than basing their self-worth on external factors. Cooper say he can’t believe the support and impact we’ve had in such a short time.”, well to be honest we can and we know you will enjoy this chat as much as we did.